Solo Hiking: Empowering Benefits for Women Who Love the Wild
Why is it that people, and women especially aren’t going solo hiking? Join the growing tribe of women who walk by discovering why you should be solo hiking in this blog post.
Why is it that people, and women especially aren’t going solo hiking? Join the growing tribe of women who walk by discovering why you should be solo hiking in this blog post.
Camping is considered by some to be a dirty word, but there’s no need to fear or shun this! Learn to love camping and multi-day hikes – I’ll show you how!
Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain but not known where to start? In my beginner’s guide, learn how to conquer peaks the right way!
Learning how to hike can be a tricky business. Discover the right way to hike with my easy guide!
Hello sole sisters! A hiking blog wouldn’t be complete without getting to the bottom of how hiking came to be. How did hiking begin? What is the history of hiking? Well, now there’s a slippery subject. Technically we began walking sometime after graduating from the primordial ooze from whence we came. But when did hiking become something we did for pleasure, as opposed to a necessity for finding food and… Read More »The History of Hiking | Origins, Evolution, and Why It’s So Popular Today