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Solo hiking does not seem to be on many peoples’ radars. In fact, in my research for this article, it doesn’t seem to be an activity anybody is searching out at all. I wonder, why is it that people, and women especially aren’t going solo hiking? Hiking solo in the Southwest of England, which is a safe area without the extreme weather you get in other countries, I would expect it to be a much more popular and lauded activity.
While writing The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Hiking, I ended up stumbling into a rabbit hole of why women like us should turn to the wilderness. There are literally countless reasons why you should grab your boots and go hiking. I decided that this definitely needed looking into, and to that end I’ve produced a series of blog posts to rally you all to get out and explore with me. In this post, allow me to introduce you to some of the reasons why I love to go hiking.
#YOLO Hike Solo
It can get pretty lonely figuring out this life thing alone, so I’m giving you the best weapon to deal with it. Learning to be alone.
It can be great once you learn how to do it right (goodbye forever #fomo!) Though I’ll admit it’s tough to begin with, pushing past your comfort level and taking responsibility for your happiness has never been more fashionable than right now.
Self-confidence is the new trend (and the fashion that will never disappear) 😉
You’ve got nothing to lose by taking yourself on a solo hike, and everything to gain. By gifting yourself the tools to hike solo, you’ll find that every aspect of your life improves. Don’t believe me? Read on…
Solo Hiking For Self-Confidence
Solo hiking is the key to unlocking a higher level of living. My aim is to help women to become confident in themselves, and solo hiking is one of the best ways to achieve this. It helps build fitness and stamina and allows us to regain a sense of calmness and clarity as we get back to nature, making us happier as a result. It puts things in perspective and helps us to help ourselves.
In this modern age of anxiety and therapy, do yourself a favour and save that therapy money. (Disclaimer: I’m not hating on therapists, as there is of course a good case for them. I am advocating for a long-term solution that ultimately helps everybody, whether that’s alongside therapy or instead of it.)
Solo Hiking For Fun
Growing up in the countryside, my family instilled within me a love of hiking. If you haven’t grown up in a hiking family, then you’ll have to discover for yourself the many reasons why hiking is fun. Believe me, I know that life gets in the way of a lot of things, but taking yourself off for a hike will make you feel a lot better. Consider it as investing time in nature, which will give you so much in return, such as the pleasure of seeing the changing seasons, alongside the change in yourself.

Solo Hiking For Fitness
Going for a hike by yourself allows you to pound the path at your own pace. They’ll be nobody to speed you up or slow you down. Everyone is on their own fitness journey, and trust me when I say that setting your own pace feels great.
By doing this, you’ll get to know your natural pace and rhythm, which you can then build upon, pushing yourself to go for longer and harder hikes.
However, if you’re not a hardcore training fanatic, then just the simple act of hiking for pleasure gets you stronger, and ultimately leaner. If you get those hills in, think about what that’s doing for your booty! Who run the world? Girls!
Solo Hiking to Appreciate Nature
Developing an awe and healthy respect towards nature will never be a bad thing, especially in this current climate. One of my aims with this blog is to instill an appreciation and a love for nature.
Learning to appreciate nature leads to a greater desire for knowledge. Understanding the world we live in and her wild places is crucial to preserving these spaces for future generations. We need now more than ever to make moves to conserve our planet and her delicate habitats and ecosystems.
One particular issue here in England is how hedgerows, an integral part of British identity and culture, are not protected by law. Not only are they important habitats for our native creatures, but they are also a key component to English identity. Plus they are a handy way to organise field boundaries.
Find out more about the fight to protect these British icons here, why hedgerows should be fought for here, and while we’re at it, here’s an interesting look at Britain’s best hedges here.
Further Reasons to Hike Solo
- It’s free! – There’s no point in accumulating debt for an escapade to a foreign country to try and cheer yourself up when the going gets tough. There’s beauty and adventure to be found right outside your door!
- Mindfulness – Mindfulness is the new trendy habit, and as I’ve been hiking for a lifetime, I’ve been practicing mindfulness before it had a fancy name. Take time to notice the little things and allow them to give you pleasure. Anything from a hollow tree with ivy growing inside, to the spectacular view of a local beauty spot, to sharing your lunch with a robin, these things never get old.
- Happiness – by far the biggest benefit for me. If I’m not happy in life, then what’s the point? Life has a knack of getting us down at times (2020 anybody?) and hiking is a sure-fire way to get yourself back on track. I always come back from a hike chilled out, with my problems in perspective and ready to kick proverbial arse.
- Pubs – enough said. Get out there!
Skills and Traits You Gain From Hiking Solo
As well as the list above, I want to highlight the skills and traits you’ll gain from hiking that can be applied to your everyday life. The benefits of hiking are not to be underestimated, so here are a few more reasons why you should be hiking solo if you’re not already sold on it:
- You put your problems in perspective – yes your boss is being a nightmare or your partner is driving you round the bend, and as for your best friend’s dating catastrophes (yes plural), well… the less said the better. Gain clarity and give yourself the time and space to think. You might just discover a creative solution!
- You creatively problem solve – new ideas + new solutions = a better life!
- You put patience into practice– sometimes it takes a while to get where you’re going.
- You practice mindfulness – when you focus on the scenes nature has to offer you.
- You learn to appreciate the little things – a robin watching you, the beautiful colours of the season, or even a deer if you’re lucky!
- You learn to love your own company – it’s vital for a happy life, plus if your life is hectic and full of people, then you’ll have some headspace for yourself
- You improve your sense of direction – I would say it’s my superpower, that I always know which direction I’ve come from, and oddly enough which way is north. I have an inbuilt mental map, and I love to fill in the blanks by exploring new places, like the explorers of ye olden days. Many people these days are completely lost without Google maps, and I say it’s time to change that!

Now You’re Ready to Hike Solo!
Recently, I went for a hike along one of my favourite routes, making a mental note of all the people I met. Most were men out by themselves, though a few had dogs. A handful of couples were out and a pair of older ladies were sat having a chat enjoying the view. A few days later I took a run along the same route and it was much of the same. Most people had dogs and everyone I came across was older than me.
This has been my experience over the years, and apart from a few hiking routes, I genuinely can’t think of a particular time when I saw a woman of my age (early 20s) out and about enjoying the space and the fresh air.
Why is that? I haven’t conducted any comprehensive research, but it seems to me that young women just don’t think to do it. Modern life has so many distractions that many women just don’t think to hike. Perhaps they think it’s dangerous, they’re apprehensive or simply don’t know how.
I’m putting together this blog to help more women to get out and about and learn to love the outdoors. There are so many benefits for women who walk! Come on this journey with me and let’s start a movement. Vive la revolución!
From me to you, until next time my sole sister tribe!